
Master Menopause Australia
26 Week Program

A revolutionary science-based approach to improve your health and get in shape through menopause.  Designed by Dr Ross Walker and delivered by our expert allied healthcare team.

Join 1000’s of Women Reclaiming Their Health & Body Shape Through Menopause!

Our team of Accredited Dietitians and Health Coaches at Master Menopause Australia are here to help you achieve optimal health without ‘dieting’.

Start your journey to better health with Australia’s leading preventative health expert Dr Ross Walker

Dr Ross Walker is Master Menopause Australia’s Chief Medical Officer.  He developed the 26 week program in collaboration with our team of expert health professionals, ensuring its based on the latest scientific research.

Why You’ll Love this Science-Based Program

Learn How to Transform Your Body Shape and Feel Fitter & Healthier Than Ever

Tailored, Progress Solutions based on Scientific Evidence

Every person is unique! At Master Menopause Australia we recognise the need for every person to receive individualised health advice helping them learn enjoyable and sustainable ways to eat, live and move better.

Expect regular one-on-one support with our Accredited Dietitians and Health Coaches as you work through a program designed specifically for your body, lifestyle, ability and goals.

avocado and eggs on toast

Our Philosophy and Approach Encompasses
Four Critical Components to Mastering Menopause

Ready to Master Menopause?

Book a FREE assessment with a member of our team to learn how we can help you get from where you are to where you want to be. This is an informal chat and an opportunity for you to learn more about our scientific approach to master menopause.

Helpful Resources

Grab your Free Copy of the Master Menopause Guide Book

Master Menopause Australia Guide Book
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